Monday, September 22, 2014

Consuming WCF web service from .NET assembly in Dynamics AX 2012

X++ code for consuming a WCF web service:
 static server str serverSendToEndPoint(str _endPoint, str _soapAction, str _serverThumbprint, str _clientThumbprint, str _xmlString)  
   str                 ret;  
   System.String       clrEndPoint;  
   System.String       clrSoapAction;  
   System.String       clrServerThumbprint, clrClientThumbprint;  
   System.String       clrXmlString;  
   System.String       clrResponse;  
   System.Exception     ex;  
   Namespace.WebService webService;  
     webService = new Namespace.WebService();  
     clrEndPoint         = CLRInterop::getObjectForAnyType(_endPoint);  
     clrSoapAction        = CLRInterop::getObjectForAnyType(_soapAction);  
     clrServerThumbprint     = CLRInterop::getObjectForAnyType(_serverThumbprint);  
     clrClientThumbprint     = CLRInterop::getObjectForAnyType(_clientThumbprint);  
     clrXmlString        = CLRInterop::getObjectForAnyType(_xmlString);  
     if (VendParameters::find().AVAMutualAuthentication == NoYes::Yes)  
       clrResponse = webService.callWCFWebService(clrEndPoint, clrSoapAction, clrServerThumbprint, clrClientThumbprint, clrXmlString);  
       clrResponse = webService.callWCFWebService(clrEndPoint, clrSoapAction, clrServerThumbprint, clrXmlString);  
     return CLRInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(clrResponse);  
   catch (Exception::CLRError)  
     ex = CLRInterop::getLastException();  
     throw error(strFmt("The request failed with the following response %1", CLRInterop::getAnyTypeForObject(ex.ToString())));  

.NET Assembly
namespace Namespace
    public class WebService
      public String callWCFWebService(string url = "", string soapAction = "", string thumbPrint = "", string thumbPrint2 = "", string xmlString = "")  
       ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; };  
       //Validate parameters  
       if (url == "")  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Url missing");  
       if (soapAction == "")  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Soap Action missing");  
       if (thumbPrint == "")  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Server Thumbprint missing");  
       if (thumbPrint2 == "")  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Client Thumbprint missing");  
       if (xmlString == "")  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("xmlString missing");  
       // Create a new HttpWebRequest object for the specified resource.  
       HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);  
       // Request mutual authentication.  
       request.AuthenticationLevel = AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequired;  
       // Supply client credentials.  
       X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);  
       store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly | OpenFlags.IncludeArchived);  
       // Find Server Certificate by thumbprint  
       X509Certificate2Collection col =  
       store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, thumbPrint.Replace(" ", ""), false);  
       X509Certificate2 cert = col.OfType<X509Certificate2>().FirstOrDefault();  
       if (cert == null)  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Server Certificate not found in store ");  
       // Find Client Certificate by thumbprint  
       col = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, thumbPrint2.Replace(" ", ""), false);  
       cert = col.OfType<X509Certificate2>().FirstOrDefault();  
       if (cert == null)  
         throw new System.ArgumentException("Client Certificate not found in store");  
       ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();  
       byte[] bytesToWrite = encoding.GetBytes(xmlString);  
       request.Method = "POST";  
       request.ContentLength = bytesToWrite.Length;  
       request.Headers.Add("SOAPAction: \"" + soapAction + "\"");  
       request.ContentType = "text/xml; charset=utf-8";  
       request.KeepAlive = false;  
       request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;  
       request.PreAuthenticate = true;  
       //Send Request  
       Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream();  
       dataStream.Write(bytesToWrite, 0, bytesToWrite.Length);  
       //Get Response  
       string responseString = "";  
         HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();  
         // Read and display the response.  
         Stream streamResponse = response.GetResponseStream();  
         StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse);  
         responseString = streamRead.ReadToEnd();  
         // Close the stream objects.  
         //Release the HttpWebResponse.  
       catch (Exception e)  
         if (e is WebException)  
           WebResponse errResp = ((WebException)e).Response;  
           if (errResp != null)  
             using (Stream streamResponse = errResp.GetResponseStream())  
               StreamReader streamRead = new StreamReader(streamResponse);  
               responseString = streamRead.ReadToEnd();  
               // Close the stream objects.  
             responseString = e.Message;  
       return responseString;  

IIS 7.0 returns HTTP "403.13 Client Certificate Revoked" error message although certificate is not revoked‏

I had this error today with a web service configured with client certificates on IIS.

This issue happens when Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is enabled and the IIS server doesn't have Internet access

The following Microsoft support article describes the problem

CRL can be disabled via the following registry change:

Then Reboot the server for the change to take effect

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dynamic date ranges for queries in AX

In Dynamics AX it is possible to enter dynamic date ranges for queries e.g. currentDate, day(-1) etc. which can be useful for running a daily report via a scheduled batch job.

The following example uses day(-1) to select Customer tax invoice journal records for yesterday
There are a number of dynamic data query values available in AX 2012, which can be found in the SysQueryRangeUtil class

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to calculate time consumed running a process in X++

This code can be used to calculate the time consumed running a process

 static void Job21(Args _args)  
   int startTime = timeNow();  
   int endTime;  
   endTime = timeNow();  
   info(strFmt("Process took %1", timeConsumed(startTime, endTime)));  

Setting LedgerDimension field on LedgerJournalTrans table in AX 2012 via X++ code

The following code can be used to update LedgerDimension field on the LedgerJournalTrans

 RecId getDimension(str _ledgerAccount, str _businessUnit, str _costCentre, str _jurisdiction, str _subscriberType)  
   DimensionServiceProvider      DimensionServiceProvider = new DimensionServiceProvider();  
   LedgerAccountContract        LedgerAccountContract = new LedgerAccountContract();  
   DimensionAttributeValueContract   ValueContract;  
   List                ListValueContract = new List(Types::Class);  
   dimensionAttributeValueCombination dimensionAttributeValueCombination;  
   DimensionStorage          dimStorage;  
   if (_businessUnit)  
     ValueContract = new DimensionAttributeValueContract();  
     ValueContract.parmName('BusinessUnit') ;  
   if (_costCentre)  
     ValueContract = new DimensionAttributeValueContract();  
     ValueContract.parmName('CostCentre') ;  
   if (_jurisdiction)  
     ValueContract = new DimensionAttributeValueContract();  
     ValueContract.parmName('Jurisdiction') ;  
   if (_subscriberType)  
     ValueContract = new DimensionAttributeValueContract();  
     ValueContract.parmName('SubscriberType') ;  
   dimStorage = DimensionServiceProvider::buildDimensionStorageForLedgerAccount(LedgerAccountContract);  
   dimensionAttributeValueCombination = DimensionAttributeValueCombination::find(;  
   return dimensionAttributeValueCombination.RecId;  

Setting Default Dimension using code in AX 2012

The following method can be used to set the default dimension e.g. on CustTable when importing data via X++
 static DimensionDefault findDefaultDimension(str _businessUnit, str _costCentre, str _jurisdiction, str _subscriberType)  
   Struct             struct = new Struct();  
   container            defDimensionCon;  
   DimensionDefault        dimensionDefault;  
   DimensionAttributeSetItem    dimAttrSetItem;  
   DimensionAttribute       dimAttribute;  
   int i;  
   //Read required dimensions  
   while select Name, BackingEntityType from dimAttribute  
     where dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimensionFinancialTag) &&  
        dimAttribute.Type       != DimensionAttributeType::DynamicAccount  
        join dimAttrSetItem  
         where dimAttrSetItem.DimensionAttribute == dimAttribute.RecId &&  
            dimAttrSetItem.DimensionAttributeSet == DimensionCache::getDimensionAttributeSetForLedger()  
     //Add the Dimension name and value to struct  
     if (_businessUnit && dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimensionFinancialTag) && dimAttribute.Name == 'BusinessUnit')  
       struct.add(dimAttribute.Name, _businessUnit);  
     if (_costCentre && dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimensionFinancialTag) && dimAttribute.Name == 'CostCentre')  
       struct.add(dimAttribute.Name, _costCentre);  
     if (_jurisdiction && dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimensionFinancialTag) && dimAttribute.Name == 'Jurisdiction')  
       struct.add(dimAttribute.Name, _jurisdiction);  
     if (_subscriberType && dimAttribute.BackingEntityType == tableNum(DimensionFinancialTag) && dimAttribute.Name == 'SubscriberType')  
       struct.add(dimAttribute.Name, _subscriberType);  
   defDimensionCon += struct.fields();  
   for (i = 1; i <= struct.fields(); i++)  
     defDimensionCon += struct.fieldName(i);  
     defDimensionCon += struct.valueIndex(i);  
   if (struct.fields())  
     //Get the DimensionAttributeValueSet RecId  
     dimensionDefault = AxdDimensionUtil::getDimensionAttributeValueSetId(defDimensionCon);  
   return dimensionDefault;  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Workflow Stopped (error): X++ Exception: Work item could not be created. Insufficient rights for user ?

I've had this problem a number of times and the error message doesn't give you enough information to know exactly what permissions need to be added for the user.

There are a couple of ways to determine the menu items and web menu items associated with the workflow.

The first way is to go to the AOT and look under the Workflow > Approvals node

The required display menu and web display menu items are highlighted below

The required action and web action menus are highlighted below

Check that the user has permission to access these display and action menu and webmenu items.

You can also use the Visual Studio 2010 debugger on the SysWorkflowDocument.assertAsUser() class method to locate the menu item(s) that the user doesn't have access to.

“SysDictEnum object not initialised” error running AIF document service creation wizard

Came across an issue with creating a new AIF document service today. The error reported in the InfoLog was “SysDictEnum object not initialised”, which gave me an indication of a problem with an Enum.
The stack trace occurred during the creation of one of the document classes and by looking at the partially created class I was able to determine the database field that was causing the problem.
A quick check of the EDT properties revealed the problem - the Enum that I had created and added to my table didn’t have an EnumType. After correcting the Enum I was able to rerun the AIF create document service wizard successfully this time.