Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Display required license on Secuirty privileges form in AX2012

To assist with creating security roles for lower license levels (Functional, Self-serve, etc) I made a small mod to the Security prviledges form to display the license level required for each permission object. Easier than having to generate and run the license report everytime you make a change or having to lookup each permission in the AOT to see the license level.

These fields can be added by creating two new display methods on the securableObject data source on the SysSecTasksEditPS form:

 public display UserLicenseType displayViewUserAccessLicense(SecurableObject _object)  
   UserLicenseType userLicType;  
   TreeNode    treeNode;  
   EntryPointType type = Global::enum2int(_object.Type);  
   str       nodePath =  
             (type == EntryPointType::MenuItemDisplay) ? strFmt('%1\\%2', #MenuItemsDisplayPath, _object.Name) :  
             (type == EntryPointType::MenuItemOutput) ? strFmt('%1\\%2', #MenuItemsOutputPath, _object.Name) :  
             (type == EntryPointType::MenuItemAction) ? strFmt('%1\\%2', #MenuItemsActionPath, _object.Name) :  
             (type == EntryPointType::WebUrlItem) ? strFmt('%1\\%2', #WebMenuItemsUrlPath, _object.Name) :  
             (type == EntryPointType::WebActionItem) ? strFmt('%1\\%2', #WebMenuItemsActionPath, _object.Name) :  
             (type == EntryPointType::WebManagedContent) ? strFmt('%1\\%2', #WebContentItemsManagedPath, _object.Name) :  
   Map typeSet = new Map(Types::String, Types::Enum);  
   // Available types property values  
   typeSet.insert('', UserLicenseType::None);  
   typeSet.insert('None', UserLicenseType::None);  
   typeSet.insert('SelfServe', UserLicenseType::SelfServe);  
   typeSet.insert('Task', UserLicenseType::Task);  
   typeSet.insert('Functional', UserLicenseType::Functional);  
   typeSet.insert('Enterprise', UserLicenseType::Enterprise);  
   typeSet.insert('Server', UserLicenseType::Server);  
   if (nodePath != '')  
     treeNode = TreeNode::findNode(nodePath);  
   if (treeNode)  
     userLicType = typeSet.lookup(treeNode.AOTgetProperty(#PropertyReadUserLicense));  
   return userLicType;  

The above code adds a display method to display the ViewUserAccessLincense. The other display method is exactly the same except #PropertyFullUserLicense is used instead of  #PropertyReadUserLicense on the following line:

userLicType = typeSet.lookup(treeNode.AOTgetProperty(#PropertyReadUserLicense));

Then all you need to do is add the display methods to the grid in the form design and you're done